Friday, June 3, 2011
How many pounds of gravel should i put in my 5 gallon fish tank?
I need lots of info on how to change water, wash filter, and feed my 4 gold fish???? dont forget the gravel question!!!How many pounds of gravel should i put in my 5 gallon fish tank?4 goldfish!!!! Goldfish get 6-12 inches long and your would need a 50-150 gallon tank so you may wanna skip them and get a betta with heater also 5lbs of gravel should be plenty enough. Also changing water is easy especially is you have a gravel filter and change 25% of the water once a week and you'll be ok but if you really wouldn't wanna see your goldfish die very painfully(they will get stunted in a 5 gallon their organs keep growing while the body stops growing) I would get a happy betta and maybe 3 cories to clean the bottomHow many pounds of gravel should i put in my 5 gallon fish tank?I good rule of thumb is 1-1.5 pounds of gravel per gallon, so you should be good with 5-6 pounds of gravelHow many pounds of gravel should i put in my 5 gallon fish tank?you need 5 pounds of gravel and you never wash your filter you only buy new ones and change it also get rid of the goldfish there going to die in there anywayHow many pounds of gravel should i put in my 5 gallon fish tank?an inch high of gravel is good. dont change all the water. maybe less than 50%. wash filter probably every week to 2 weeks. flakes?