Friday, June 3, 2011

How to do a water change?

This is my first water change, how do I do it? I have a filter but sometimes I turn it off because my betta doesn't seem to like it. I've only had the tank for a week, how much water should I change? I'm using tap water with conditioner. Can you please provide steps?

ThanksHow to do a water change?Your filter should always be left on. It cleans the tank and it provides bubbles which are the air for your fish. You should only change about roughly a third of your tank water every two to three weeks. Have your pretreated water on the side, remove about a third of you tank water and add the pretreated water to the tank. I also advise to add PH tablets or liquid that regulate your tanks water to 7.0 where it should be. You can find it at your local pet store for a cheap price. Also remember to change your tanks filter cartridge. Then if you want, you can remove the decorations from inside the tank and rinse them out and put the back in.How to do a water change?A filter needs to be on 24/7 if it is too powerful get a less powerful one. Air powered sponge filters are ideal for bettas. In an ethical betta setup (5+ gallon heated and filtered aquarium) you should only ned to do a 25% weekly water change using a gravel siphon.