Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How often do i chang the water and filter bag the in my tank? ?

I have a 20 galloon tank and i want to know how often do i do a partial water change and how often do i change the filter bag?

I dont have that many fish in it at the moment only 6 guppies.

When i do the partial water change how much of it should i change.

Thank you for your help:)How often do i chang the water and filter bag the in my tank? ?It kind of depends on stocking, but generally, you should do a 20% percent water change once a week and replace your filter cartridge once a month, as the carbon will be around adsorption capacity.

For 6 guppies in a 20 gallon, you could probably get away with doing water changes every two weeks and replacing the filter cartridge every 6 weeks. I don't like old carbon to sit in a tank for too long because after it's reached adsorption capacity, the chemicals may leach back into the water. Rinse the filter cartridge in used tank water when you do a water change, but not in the tank itself or you'll murk up the water. Never use faucet tap water to rinse the cartridge as the chlorine will kill the beneficial bacteria inhabiting your filter media.

But if you plan on adding more fish, you'll have to perform the water changes and change out your filter cartridges more often.How often do i chang the water and filter bag the in my tank? ?Once a month do a 25% water change and use something like tetra easy balance to lower chlorine and nitrate levels and change the filter probably every two to three weeks depending on how dirty it gets.How often do i chang the water and filter bag the in my tank? ?well, your supposed to change the filter every week, but you can just rinse it off for about two months, especially with only six fish..

you should change about half at a time.How often do i chang the water and filter bag the in my tank? ?Change at least 50% of the water, at least once a week.

You only need to change the filter bag when it becomes clogged and you can't unclog it by rinsing the bag under a tap.How often do i chang the water and filter bag the in my tank? ?if you dont have much fish (6 guppies is small) dont change your water too often. I woudl suggest once in 2 months - even if you do it more often dont change more than 15%. Every time you cange water you are affecting teh equilibrium of teh tank enviornment. Changing filter should can be done when you feel that speed of the water flowing out of the filter has reduced. Buy one of the 30Ft pipe with a siphon - you get it for $30 or some at pet stores. This should help you get water out %26amp; in (from a tap) to teh tank.