i used to have my betta in a smaller bowl %26amp; changed the water every week. now i dont know how often i should change the water? and clean the actual tank? (because it has a filter?)
another thing is that i have some tiny rocks in the tank and one fake leaf in it as well. do i need to take this out and clean it all the time too?
how often do i change the filter?
thanks so much for your answers and help!How often do i change the water of a 1 gallon tank w/ a filter?With extremely small tanks I like to do daily 10% water changes. Even with a filter these tanks will get gross fast if you don't keep on top of things.
You can siphon the gravel while changing the water. You can get small gravel siphon at any fish store or just stir the gravel up with your hand and scoop out any debris with a brine shrimp net. If you do it everyday there will be almost no mess to clean up, ever.
Leave the gravel in the tank while you clean. You can pull out the leaf if you want or just leave it in if it's not in the way, doesn't matter either way.
I wouldn't recommend changing the filter, just rinse it off under the tap when it gets dirty and pop it back in. You'll lose your biological filtration each time you replace it, risking ammonia spikes.How often do i change the water of a 1 gallon tank w/ a filter?Change about 1/3 of the water once a week or week and a half. Every so often, maybe once every couple months, or if the fish get sick, change almost all the water and scrub the sides of the tank with salt. Rinse well and pop the fish back in with some nice, fresh water.
You'll also need to change the filter thingie once a month or so too. Look at the directions for that info.How often do i change the water of a 1 gallon tank w/ a filter?if its a bettas then 100% a week if not 25% weekly