Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How often should I change the water in this tank?

I've just upgraded my Betta from a 2 gallon to a 5 gallon tank. I'll be introducing him into his new home later today. =D

Question is, how often should I change the water in this 5 gallon? It's filtered, heated, and only going to house the Betta. I also get out any waste everyday with a turkey baster.How often should I change the water in this tank?If the tank is cycled (which can easily be done by moving the filtration on the 2g up to the 5g for awhile) ... then easiest is to change off a predetermined amount each week,say 1 gallon (roughly 20%). This is easy enough to have treated and set aside before hand in a container.

Go to a %26quot;Dollar%26quot; store and purchase 2 1 gallon plastic pitchers ... you can then fill one and treat (dechlorinate) beforehand and allow to %26quot;out gas%26quot; and stabilize from the tap.The other you can fill by doing your weekly gravel vacuuming ... then simply add the prepared water.

Use the old water to water your house plants (they love it),then rinse the container for next time.

With this method there is never any doubt in your mind how much water you changed (or if you remembered the change) and it makes dosing treatments easier.How often should I change the water in this tank?If you have a test kit this would be easy to determan you should not let nitrates get above 20 - 40 ppm or if u don't have a kit a one gallon change once a monthHow often should I change the water in this tank?1/2-1 gallon once weekly should be fine. With the filter and your manual waste removal you wouldn't be in trouble if you missed a change.How often should I change the water in this tank?A good thing to know is that you don't have to take out all of the water when doing tank maintenance. You should really never take out more than 50% because this can interrupt the Nitrogen Cycle and cause a Bacterial Bloom (cloudy water and ammonia spikes).

Now as for how often, once a week should be good of just a 25%-50% water change. It's good you are taking out old waste in between time because this will keep down the Nitrate levels in your tank so I would say a 25% water change would suffice. A gravel vacuum can come in really handy when it comes to cleaning gravel and taking out water so check into purchasing one if you haven't already. Remember to always treat the water with de-chlorinator and conditioner before it enters the tank.

It's really nice to see someone putting their fish in the proper set-up. It's ideal!How often should I change the water in this tank?It's recommended that you leave your betta's tank untouched every week, but choose a day (probably Friday through Sunday) that you can clean your tank. The waste isn't bad for your tank, considering betta's aren't messy fish, so you shouldn't be trying to remove every single bit of it.

Good job on the upgrade, your betta will be far happier there than in the below minimum, 2g tank.

You should be doing a 25% water change every week. The best way to do this is by using a water siphon (they can be purchased at any local pet/fish store) and sifting through the substrate at the bottom to remove some of the dirt. However, do not remove all of it as that is essential, beneficial bacteria for your tank, granted you have cycled it properly.How often should I change the water in this tank?it depends how many fish is living in your tankHow often should I change the water in this tank?Do a partial water change each week, 1 or 2 gallons.

No need to ever empty the tank or change all the water.

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