Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How often should I do a water change in a 55 gallon tank?

I have 55 gal tank. With 2 tiger oscars one is about 9 inches and the other is about 4 1/2in. I have two goldfish that were meant to be food but outgrew the oscars' mouths. and 1 Raphael Catfish that likes to hide all the time to avoid being eaten.

So far this is what i do: 1 a month I will do about a 60% water change while vacuuming the gravel and I will change the filters in the water filters. I also clean algae when I see it.

I also have 2 water filters running one was meant for our 25gal tank that we had and the other is meant for 55 to 100 gal. Then I also have an under gravel filtration system which honestly I think all it's good for is oxygenating the water it doesn't seem to keep under the gravel clean.

Anyway so I heard that a 10% water change once a week was good and then 75% once a month with cleaning the gravel.

Is the advice I heard excessive? Or is that a good thing to do the slight water changes once a week?How often should I do a water change in a 55 gallon tank?Wow, once a month 60% change - that is not enough cleaning in my opinion. I also have a 55 gallon. The water should be changed about 25% every week. You should always be cleaning the gravel at each change.How often should I do a water change in a 55 gallon tank?Water changes should be at least every 7-10 days. The filtration sounds great but they won't reduce the nitrates in your tank, only water changes will help keep the levels low. Vaccum your gravel once a week, by the time you have skimmed most of the bottom you will have likely taken between 5 and 10 gallons out. Just top the tank up with room temperature water and you'll be fine. (Don't go too crazy vacuuming the gravel, you'll never get everything).

HTHHow often should I do a water change in a 55 gallon tank?as you have oscars I would change about 25% weekly with a gravel syphon -with less messy fish fortnightly would be OK. 60% in one go is not good for the fish and should only be done in cases of water poisoning.