Friday, June 3, 2011

How often do I change a Betta fish's water?

I have a 3 gallon tank, a heater, aquarium gravel and a filter, and I was just wondering how many times a week do I do a partial water change, and how much % of the water do I change? I haven't got the fish yet, but I'm only going to get one.How often do I change a Betta fish's water?Once per week no more than 25% (3/4 of a gallon). Gravel syphone's are difficult to use in these tanks. You may want to go with a turkey baster to remove the debris from the bottom of the tank.

Good luck with your new fishHow often do I change a Betta fish's water?you're suppose to do weekly partial waterchanges of 25% with a gravelsiphon

they sell really tiny ones which would fit into a tank of this size at petsmart