got 350litre tank, planning 6 discus and cardinal tetras have fluval 405 external filter can i get away with weekly 25% water changes or will my discus die/?How often to change water for discus fish?That would be just over 92 gallons. That seems a little small for 6 discus, but you may get away with it if you change at least 25% of the water weekly.
No matter what, weekly water changes are essential. Ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates aren't the only things going into the water. Discus are quite touchy when it comes to water quality, so I'd err on the safe side and change 75% of the water weekly. This won't harm the good bacteria because that lives in the gravel or sand and the filter. The good bacteria can't live suspended in the water, it needs the solid surface to adhere to.
Fluvals are a good filter, but the 405 is only rated for a 100g tank. Filter output is always less than it is rated for. I'd either get a larger filter or add a second filter. Besides, having two filters ensures that even if something goes wrong with one of them, at least you have one to fall back on.How often to change water for discus fish?If you want to keep 6 discus until they get fairly large I'd recommend using a sump type filter system so you can increase your circulating volume to nearer 600 litres. If you are simply rearing them until they become half grown you should be ok with something like a 405 but I'd go for twice weekly water changes. Its not so much a case of them dying more that their colours wont be so good and they will get stunted in such a small tankHow often to change water for discus fish?Discus are particularly sensitive to water quality,some of the major breeders change 50% of the water daily. These guys know how to change water without harming the nitrifiying bacteria. I'd suggest that you contact people like Jack Wattley or other big time breeders. Purchasing a good book or two would probably save you some money over the long view.
Also that tank is none too large for 6 discus.
Too monitor the health of your fish watch for a color change to darker tones,if that happens something is very wrong.How often to change water for discus fish?I have a 55 gallon with 7 discus in it at the moment. I do weekly water changes of 25%. My fish are healthy and happy.
You don't want to over do your water changes, too much is just as bad as not enough.
Discus are exremely touchy about their water quality.
Edit: I thought I would add... I'm currently overstocked by one. You can keep 5-6 in a 55 gallon tank. But mine are still juveniles, I still have time to pick who has to go.How often to change water for discus fish?You got it! 25% once a week.How often to change water for discus fish?once a month change 20 in usa and dont do the litre system.i guess it would be the same.
dont change it weekly.once a month or when you feel its not good quality water