Friday, June 3, 2011

How often do I change the water for my betta?

I have a two gallon tank with a filter. How often will I need to change the water so that my betta doesn't get sick?How often do I change the water for my betta?25% of water change once a weekHow often do I change the water for my betta?once a week. make sure you remember to use declorinator.How often do I change the water for my betta?The general rule is a 1/4 water change of tank water once a week.How often do I change the water for my betta?once a week about a 30-40% partial water change.

unless its cycling. then youd have to the the water and do a 50% change whenever ammonia or nitrite get over .50, which could be twice a day.How often do I change the water for my betta?25% once a week is the general rule of thumb. However, you should keep a test kit handy and keep an eye on the nitrate, nitrite and ammonia levels in the tank. Also, for optimal health keep the water temperature constant. Fluctuations in temperature can cause stress and lower the beta檚 immune system. Keep the temp between 75-86掳F and the pH around 7.0.How often do I change the water for my betta?if you want to keep your fish healthy for its ilifetime

best to change water every week 10%

best wayHow often do I change the water for my betta?in a two gallon tank you have to change a little more of the water than 10%. try like 1/2 every week or two.How often do I change the water for my betta?you should change about a gallon of it every week.How often do I change the water for my betta?Well you should change the water twice a week, but if you one of those people who's always busy, Betta can wait %26quot;once a week%26quot;.How often do I change the water for my betta?50% changes once a week should be fine.

It all really depends on the individual betta, the things you have in your tank (live plants, etc) and your own water quality. I suggest you go get a test kit and test for ammonia every day until it shows a reading. Then from then on, you should wait for the amount of time before the ammonia showed up to do changes.How often do I change the water for my betta?Hi...we own 13 Betta's for two years now. We have them in glass bowls, vase's, and other types of containers. Filters are not needed or a heater unless you keep it to cold (they need between 76-80 degrees) Betta's only need a water change from one to every three weeks. They are a labyrinth fish...they breath by taking a air bubble from the surface and sink...they release the air through the gills. They need room at the surface of the water to get air. To clean all we do is use a well rinsed cup of lukewarm your fish into it...then using tap water swish the gravel, glass, shells, or whatever with your hand to remove the uneaten food and waste. Refill with tap water (lukewarm) and add nothing! Betta's can live up to nine years if not over fed. A pellet a day is about right....a little more once in a while or a few days of skipped feeding will not harm it.How often do I change the water for my betta?in such a small amount of water, i would change every 3 or 4 daysHow often do I change the water for my betta?20-50% once a weekHow often do I change the water for my betta?Just change some of the water , about 10 %.Every month.