Monday, September 19, 2011

Cloudy water in my Oscar tank.?

I have two small Oscars (2.5) inches in length in my 55 gallon tank. Yes I know this will not be sufficient for them when they are grown, and I will buy a new tank for them. I initially planned on keeping a tropical community at first and decided against it when all of them died in the new tank within 2 days. I got the Oscars now and I love them and do not want to get rid of them.

After much research, I plan to get a new tank when they grow larger and keep the smaller 55 gallon for a community tank. I have become addicted to my fish already! My Albino got ich its first week and my Tiger was fine. I treated with salt and heat and a mild protozoan treatment, he was perfect within 48 hours. Now my tank is ridiculously cloudy.

I put the filters back in after doing a 25% water change after the treatment to clean out the tank. I know they are messy fish! I tried to clear the water with a water clarifier, I did two treatments in 2 days, and all I see is some of the clumped together dirt particles, but the water is still cloudy. I added another dual filter yesterday, so now I have two back of the tank bio-filters running, with a total of 4 filter cartridges. Water is still cloudy. Tested PH, and it was 7.0. I tested for ammonia, nitrate and nitrite and its fine.

1.Is my water cloudy from the ich treatment?

2.Is it cloudy because it is still a new tank? (3 weeks in, cycled with live bacteria (not stresszyme, I go to a specialty store for cichlids and other exotic fish, they gave a treatment they use in their tanks, basically live bacteria from older tanks) from an aquarium store, put directly on filters, so the tank may already be well cycled using this method)

3.How long will it take for my tank to clear up with this new, extra filtration system put in?

4.Do I need to do another water change and vacuum the gravel? The fish seem fine, its just cloudy water!

5. I have two zebra danios in there still, my Oscars cant seem to catch them, but they had no problem killing a couple minnows, lol.

Any info would be great... How long before I change out these filters on a new tank and if I rinse them, how do I do that? In the sink? Im a little new to that part.Cloudy water in my Oscar tank.?Well you almost got one by me, But I will not be fooled by big long questions lol.

I was about to agree with the first guy but then I re-read that part about you took the filter out ? DId you take the filter off the tank and while you treated ? That was a mistake unfortunately, you where only supposed to take the activated carbon pad out, not the whole filter. The cloudless is because you killed off a HUGE portion of your beneficial bacteria by doing that. Your tank is basically re-cycling now and that cloudiness is a bacterial bloom. That water clear stuff only makes dirt and detris particals sick together, it won't remove the bacterial bloom. It could take a couple of weeks for your tank to reastablish so in that time just be carfull about your feeding, only feed every other day.

Rocking two filters is great actually, maybe this missidentification of the problem on your end is really a bleesing, Esspecially with Oscars. The Extra filter won't make it cycle any faster though I'm afriad, Its still gonna take anywhere from 5 days to 2 weeks. Its not gonna hurt the fish though so don't worry about them, just keep up your weekly water changes and don't do anymore emergency water changes or add anymore products to your tank. If all your levels Test ok then just sit back and let the natural wolrd do its thing, Good Luck, Hope your Oscars grow up nice and big.Cloudy water in my Oscar tank.?1. Depends on the treatment, i'm taking a wild stab in the dark ( well somewhat ) but I think that the filtration is not sufficient, 2 Juv. Oscars is about the equivilant of a full grown one, 2-3 extremely poweful filters ( like aquaclear 110's ) should handle their mess.

2. Possibly, read below

3. It might take 2-7 days depending on the strength, the water could be cloudy due to an insufficient amount of beneficial bacteria, check this website out:

4. , i suggest you do.

5. What's the Q? Remove them before stuff gets brutal.

Good luck