ok i have a 5 gallon tank that has a filter. it has one betta fish and three different species of plants. i was wondering how often i should change the water? i don't overfeed and take w/e is uneaten out.How often to do water change?Routine water changes of 25% weekly will help keep your tank and fish healthy I don't recomend waiting longer since problems can pile up in a tank. Simple once a week is fine.How often to do water change?it dippend on the type of your fish.How often to do water change?i recommend 25% weekly but you could probably get away with 25% fortnightly
How often to do water change?The honest answer is that there is no right answer. Do it as often as needed.
How to determine how often YOUR tank needs it.
If it is heavily stocked and/or weak filtration do more frequent changes
If very lightly stocked or powerfully filtered less changes are needed
Different scheduals work for different people.
10%-15% once a week
20%-30% once every other weeek
25%-50% once a month
The best advice i will give you is do what you will do regularly. If you like to do it often so you don't forget do it weekly. If you don't have the time and like just to get it done at once do it monthly. Personally I like monthly but i use 5x the filtration often suggested or needed... How often to do water change?About once every 2 weeks.