Friday, September 23, 2011

How long should i wait to put my betta back in his tank after 90% water change?

10 gal heated 80 F Plants castle filteredHow long should i wait to put my betta back in his tank after 90% water change?I can't imagine why you would change 90% of the water, but since you did...

You'll need to re-cycle your tank,

You can do this with your Betta in the tank, and while I don't usually recommend cycling with fish, you've still got some of your bacteria in there, so it shouldn't be too stressful for him. (Even less so if you kept your filter media wet during that water change.

In the future, only weekly 20-25% water changes should be done.

Good job giving your Betta a proper home though!How long should i wait to put my betta back in his tank after 90% water change?did you add a water conditioner if not the 24 hours...if you did then about 15min...

by the way 90% is way to much never change that much unless it is Absolutely necessaryHow long should i wait to put my betta back in his tank after 90% water change?if u add some new water from the tank to the betta i would say 15min minHow long should i wait to put my betta back in his tank after 90% water change?its good that you keep up water changes...but changing 90% is a bit too much at one time. Plus you are removing the fish from its home and then putting him back in..this will stress him. Change about 25% weekly or every 3-4 days, but have treated/aged water to do so. Take the water out and leave him in the tank. Since you have a filter,which is good!, then 25% should be good enough. maybe once a month or so do more on a change. This will reduce stress on Mr. Betta.