It's a ten gallon setup. I tried a partial water change and am due for a filter replacement in a few days. The water it bright green and cloudy when the tank light is on (algae bloom?). I've moved the tank far from sunlight and heaters as possible. Will this problem remedy itself, or do I need to take more action? Help me save the little guys... please.The water in my freshwater aquarium turned green. How do I remedy this without hurting my fish?you want to kill the algae without chemicals. get a uv sterilizer. that will take care of your problem in a couple of days. water changes will clear it up for a couple of days. but they almost always come back. also try turning off the lights. algae needs light to survive. this can be a pain in the you know what.The water in my freshwater aquarium turned green. How do I remedy this without hurting my fish?Yes, this is undoubtedly an algae bloom. The heaters don't cause the algae, but it is the sunlight. You need the heaters for your fish.
It seems as if you haven't been doing weekly water changes. Perform 25% of a water change every week, and once or twice a month at minimum should you be scraping the walls of the tank to get rid of excess algae.
A 10 gallon tank is too little space for a Pleco, but you can get a snail or two to help keep the algae under control.
Make sure you aren't overstocking your tank. What kind of fish do you have? If you have Goldfish, then you should know that each Fancy Goldfish needs a tank of 20 gallons or more with a filtration system made for tanks twice the size. If you have live bearers such as mollies, guppies, platies, and so on, you should only have two in such a small tank. Anymore would be overstocked, even three would be pushing it.
I suggest you do some more research before purchasing anymore fish.The water in my freshwater aquarium turned green. How do I remedy this without hurting my fish?There are chemicals you can buy at the pet store to calm the algae down and even get rid of it. Just ask your local pet store what they have in stock.
To prevent this from happening 25-30% weekly water changes are a must with a 40-50% water change and maintenance once a month.
Do not leave your light turned on for long periods of time. Generally, ten hours a days is recommended.
Do not overfeed your fish. Whatever can be consumed in two minutes two to three times a day.
Hope this helps.
Good luck!