Friday, September 23, 2011

Fish aquarium without filter?

I have a 40-liter fish aquarium without a filter. How many fish is recommended to keep there and how often is it necessary to change water?Fish aquarium without filter?As stated many times, get a filter. Check out the aquaclear power filters - they are very cheap, very effective, very reliable, and very easy to maintain. Filters a)get some of the crud out of the water, b) provide a base for good bacteria to grow on, c) aerate the water and provide oxygen, and d) move water around the tank to keep it fresh and the oxygen and toxins spread out and moving.

Now for your other questions:

You can't know how many fish until you know what types you want, but assuming you are going to stock your fish properly and stick to small peaceful types, then you are looking at about 9-12 fish total. A typical well rounded community might be something like : 6 neon tetras, 4 corydora catfish, and one dwarf gourami. Remember - the more fish you have, the quicker the tank gets dirty, so try not to overstock. This is with a filter.

As for water changes - it depends how much you want to put into it, and how much work the fish is worth to you. As far as I'm concerned our fish should be worth a weekly maintenance routine including a gravel vacuum, partial water change of 25%, and some algae scraping. If the fish aren't worth this effort, then you should probably invest in a decorative item for your house that doesn't involve living creatures.

In the end if you don't keep up with your maintenance the fish won't just die, but the tank will get dirtier and dirtier as time passes, the fish will stop thriving and start merely surviving, and when you do decide to bring the tank up to spec it will be that much more difficult.Fish aquarium without filter?More than likely your fish will eventually die. Get a filter. It will be less work for you and the fish will be happier. You can usually find cheap, used or new filters on ebay and craigslist.Fish aquarium without filter?Any tank will do better with some type of filter on it, and it also depends on the type of fish.

You might need a heater also if your going tropical, goldfish usually don't need a heater, I have a ten gallon tank and run a 20 to 40 gallon filter on it with no heater it usually stays room tempture.

It is good to circulate the water. Most people will tell you 1 fish per every gallon of water, of course this depends on the size of the fish also. Bettas need small areas and most do not require filters or heaters.

The water should be changed at min one a month, to start a tank you need to set it up. Fist of all you will need some rocks or sand if salt water, coral you can buy this at any pet store or pet department.

Its good to cover the bottom of the tank about 1 inch deep.

Next you will add your water this is where a filter would be helpfull becuase the circulate the water and remove chemicals in the water that harm fish. You need to leave the tank at least for 24 hours to remove chlorine in the water.

Most pet shops recommend 30 days before adding a fish.

Changing the water, when you do change the water always leave 1/4 to 1/2 of the tank water in the tank, when you add new water make sure its about the same temp.

I usually change mine once a month but I only have one fish, the miore fish you have the more often ckleaning will be required, this will be really the case with no filter system.

Try this web page: aquarium without filter?Filters aren't expensive. Just buy one, They are essential.Fish aquarium without filter?You need a filter. Also, get a gravel vac/siphon and heater if you don't already have one. These items are a must have.Fish aquarium without filter?I am not sure why u dont want a filter...

Just try and understand that the aquarium is a closed envoirment, like you put a human being in a enclosed room, with out any pourification you will get strained and eventually die...

You do not need any high tech filteration system and all.. Just get a couple of internal / submerged filters and that should be fine... You will be able to keep the fish alive with a frequent water change but why would you like to make your fish suffer??

I am sure that you will notice the diffrence and feel better also !!

Take care,

VoldieFish aquarium without filter?it doesnt matter what you put in there. Without a filter, whatever is in there will die anyways. you can buy a cheap filter. if you dont want a filter, then i suggest you not keep fish at all, and pick another pet.

Filters are an absolute necessity to keep quality water and filter waste.