All your good bacteria live on your filter cartridge. Throwing it away will totally mess up the balance on your tank. If it starts falling apart, then yeah you'll have to chuck it, but if it's just gunky, just swish it around in a bucket of tank water and put it back.
No, the extra cartridge is not necessary, but it will increase the amount of bacterial and sponge so it will keep your water cleaner. I had the same filter I believe you're refering to and I never used an extra cartridge and it worked fine.How often do I need to change the filter cartridges?I would use the extra slot for when your current filter cartridge gets too old and worn. Put your new cartidge in front of the old one, so the bacteria can inhabit the new one. Next time you change your water and rinse out the cartridges, you can toss the old one. This way replacing the old cartridge never ruins your level of beneficial bacteria.
Your cartridge does NOT need to be REPLACED every month. It needs to be RINSED in DECHLORINATED water every month. This will get rid of the detritus that other answerer is concerned about. Tossing the cartridge tosses the bacteria as well and destroys your nitrogen cycle.How often do I need to change the filter cartridges?Agreed. Never, unless its falling apart. It is important to only clean it in used tank water or new dechlorinated water because chlorine would kill the bacteria. No running it under the faucet.How often do I need to change the filter cartridges?1.You do need to changed your filter cartridges every month. The cartridge catches all the poop and missed food in your tank and helps keep your tank clean. If you do not change your cartridges your water will start to become cloudy and unhealthy for your fish.
2.You should also do a 25% water change once a month as well. What you want to do is get a gravel vacuum from your local pet store so you can clean all the poop and gunk out of the gravel. Do not forget to add water conditioner to the water you add back into the tank.
3.That is not an extra slot. It is a slot for another cartridge to go into. You want to put the other cartridge in there as it will help keep your tank cleaner.
I hope I helped and if you have any more questions just ask.