Friday, September 23, 2011

Need help with water change for my 20 gal. tank?

Its been filtering for about a week. I have 2 fancy goldfish in it. I know your supposed to change some of the water every 1-2 weeks. How much should I take out? Does the water I put in have to be de-chlorinated?Need help with water change for my 20 gal. tank?you only need to do about 25 percent so 5 gals

and yes the new water needs to be de-chlorinated one way of doing this is to fill a 5 gallon buckit 24hrs before the water change it is better to age the water than to use chem. to do it you could also use several 1 gal containers

also this should be done at a rate of once or twice a monthNeed help with water change for my 20 gal. tank?You should only change about three gallons. Or right around 10%. We have a 27 gallon tank with sharks. Tank looks great.Need help with water change for my 20 gal. tank?Ok well, I'm not your typical follow the rules about water changing. I would change my water every 2 months, and by that I mean I would just vacuum up the poop in the gravel, gold fishies poop alot. And I would take the filter and just rinse it out. And every 6 months I would put in a new filter. My tank was nice and healthy for my fish. I had good levels with the bacteria and all the stuff you need for healthy water. I would also put salt in there to keep them healthy and if I noticed they would get like red spots on their fins I would buy this stuff called Melafix. Its awesome! And yes your water needs to be de-chlorinated!! Use something like 'tetra easy balance water' Or something that takes the chlorine and bad stuff out of tap water. Now from what I've learned is to keep the temps a steady temp and leave the water alone, unless your cleaning the gravel, you should be fine. My goldfish Max who I've had for over 8 years, is huge and healthy!Need help with water change for my 20 gal. tank?Okay. Here is the truth.

I do a partial water change EVERYDAY!

First off, 20 gallons is a bit snug for two fancy goldies. Since they require at least 30 gallons, I would reccomend my tank care routine.

People have this age old misconception that old water is good for your fish- this is FALSE!!! Sitting in poop and pee is unhealthy for anyone.

I take out up to 50% every day and replace it with declorinated room temp water. This keeps the goldies the happiest and healthiest- expecially if you have a small tank. Any current aquarium book will back me up on this.

The long and short of it is you should change as frequently as possible. Think of a fish in their natural habitat- they do not sit in their own waste. Changing the water will not harm the good bacteria either!

Best wishesNeed help with water change for my 20 gal. tank?20 gallons and 2 fancy goldfish. 25% weekly. and yes it must be dechlor and temperatur matched.Need help with water change for my 20 gal. tank?First off, you need at least 30 gallons for two goldfish (they produce tons of amonia)

I partially change my water everyday about 20%.

Water changes are what keep fish healthy.