I change the filter every two weeks but the filter system itself looks really dirty because of all the crusty residue from the aquarium water building up on the sides. Do you suppose to change the whole filter system every year?How often do you change the whole filter system in your fish tank?No. And your changing your filter pad out too much.
The filter pad should only need to be changed out every 3 months or so on average, a more heavily stocked tank may need it a tad more.
At least once a month rinse the filter pad off in a bucket of used tank water or dechlorinated water. Most of the beneficial bacteria in the tank resides in the filter material, so you don't want to just run it under the tap to clean it, the chlorine will kill it(assuming you're on a public water supply).
For any other filter media like bio balls or ceramic rings, just rinse them in a bucket of used tank water as needed, I do mine every few months.
For the actual filter and impeller itself, you can clean that out as well, but should only need it every few months as well.How often do you change the whole filter system in your fish tank?I have a filter that has 3 different baggies with different things in them to help clean the water.
i replace all of them every time i clean the fish tank ( every 3 months)
if you dont have a very good filter, clean it every month