Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How often should I change the filter in a 1.5 gallon tank for 1 betta?

Is it ok to wait a full month to change the filter, or should I change it more often?How often should I change the filter in a 1.5 gallon tank for 1 betta?Filter media should never have to be changed, by throwing that away you're throwing away the only stability the tank has, your valuable good bacteria, and in that tiny a volume you need all the stability you can get!

The only time you need to change the filter media is if you're restarting the tank. If the media has got tatty you first need to clone the new media alongside the old media for several weeks before it can be changed.

edit: The fish tank manufacturers want you to buy more of their product, boxes and packages say a lot of things!

All you need to do with media is rinse off debris in the old tank water during each partial water change.How often should I change the filter in a 1.5 gallon tank for 1 betta?Once a month seems to work well for my fish in a small tank of that size. Bettas are pretty hardy and the bioload is so small that once a month should be fine.How often should I change the filter in a 1.5 gallon tank for 1 betta?Never change the whole media as it houses good bacteria. change half the media when it starts to get clogged. a betta needs 5 gallons heated and filtered minimum.How often should I change the filter in a 1.5 gallon tank for 1 betta?You really should have a 5 gallon tank minimum for a betta fish

I would change the filter every monthHow often should I change the filter in a 1.5 gallon tank for 1 betta?About every month or soHow often should I change the filter in a 1.5 gallon tank for 1 betta?more often in a tank that smallHow often should I change the filter in a 1.5 gallon tank for 1 betta?