Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How often should I do a partial water change?

I have a ten gallon tank with two goldfish in it. I do have a filter, and I do about a 25-33% water change each week. Is this too much? Too little? Too often?

I've had my goldfish for a while now, and it seems to be keeping my fish happy. I do plan on getting a bigger tank, so please don't comment on that. I just have to save up for it, and they haven't outgrown their current one yet.How often should I do a partial water change?what your doing sounds fine to me. if you notice any problems, such as the fish looking lethargic or the water going cloudy, do a water change immediately of about 25%.

but if you see no problems with the fish and they seem happy and not being overfed, then carry on with what your doing and saving up for that bigger tank!How often should I do a partial water change?Yes your current amount of water change is fine. The larger the fish the more waste they produce and more ammonia they create. It's good to hear your planning on a larger tank. Make sure you are syphoning from the bottom of the tank and cleaning 1/4 - 1/3 of the gravel at each water change. Not over feeding also helps to keep the water in good condition.How often should I do a partial water change?sounds perfect. do the same with your bigger tank. or you can do 10% water changes 2 a week with the bigger tnk so it dont get dirty fast.How often should I do a partial water change?This seems fine considering the bioload goldies produce and the fact you plan to upgrade eventually. There is a bit of debate on the size of a water change, depending more on the fish (size, amount, species), size of tank, the equipment used, source of water, and preference.How often should I do a partial water change?A ten gallon tank with two goldfish is fine. ( or do you mean ten litres? )

Anyway water changes: from experience 25% is fine per week. If you do more with goldfish it dosen't matter they are quite hardy little fish so you don't need to worry about that.How often should I do a partial water change?the question of water changes always comes up. its a matter of: size of tank,kind of fish,size and number of fish,filter system used,maintenance of filter system used and most importantly,type and quantity of food used.

many home aquariusts do water changes every month but a pet shop will do them every week (or twice weelky depending on the fish) to maintain quality water.

a 25% water change weekly is fine for your two gold fish now

but do test your water for PH,ammonia and nitrites so as to have a better understanding of whats going on in your tank. it can look clean but still have water quality problems.How often should I do a partial water change?If your changes are keeping the tank clean, then you're doing good. What you're doing is about the norm. You don't mention how large the fish are. If they're larger and messing up the tank between changes, you may want to try every 5 or 4 days. Just experiment, so they're happy. Also, you don't mention the type of filter...under gravel? They're the best for the average fish tank, with an added outside filter and maybe power heads for larger tanks. If under gravel, make sure you stir up the gravel before draining. Also, make sure you're not over-feeding. Good Luck!How often should I do a partial water change?no but i usually change five gallons every two weeks and the tank stays clear and the fish stay heathy.How often should I do a partial water change?Don't fix what ain't broke. If your fish aren't lethargic or showing signs of stress that is a good sign. Keep doing what you are doing. I know you don't want to hear it but I'm just gonna say for now you are OK with the tank size but as soon as you can afford the upgrade you should do it. I wont list any reasons, for you seem well informed enough to be doing your weekly water changes but just a morality issue i had to mention it.How often should I do a partial water change?Hi Emily, sounds ideal-keep up the good work!How often should I do a partial water change?I have 2 goldfish in a 10 gallon tank also. Instead of doing a 35% water change on time each week, I do it 2 times. I do a 10% water change on Wednesday and wash the filter, and then another 25% water change on Saturday or Sunday and clean the glass.