Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tried quick cure Aquarium salt, 20% water change seems to be getting worse help how do I get rid of fish ich?

I know what disease they have.. Ich aka white spot disease.. So i started doing treatments. Quick cure and aquarium salt. I do a 25% water change every day before adding in new medication. I have removed the carbon from the filter. I have been using treatment for 3 days and the spots are getting worse. I am unsure of what to do next. I need help and a good answer.. I know what they are suffering from. I am following the directions of the medications. They have more spots and just sit at the top of the tank and then occasionally sit at the bottom of the tank.. Please only respond if you can really help..Tried quick cure Aquarium salt, 20% water change seems to be getting worse help how do I get rid of fish ich?What kind of fish are they? If they're tropical fish, then increase the temperature a couple of degrees over a period of time. If they're goldfish, then don't do this, as goldfish shouldn't have heaters in their tanks to begin with.

Make sure the tank is not overstocked. Also make sure that the initial problem that made the parasite infect them is solved. High levels of ammonia and nitrites seem to do it, as well as overstocking so make sure the water quality is immaculate. The 25% water change daily will help. Just keep medicating them, I've heart QuickCure is a good product. The aquarium salt will help, keep adding it to the tank.

Some fish survive through ick/ich, others don't. It's all a matter of the type of fish, water quality, and whether you caught it soon enough or not.Tried quick cure Aquarium salt, 20% water change seems to be getting worse help how do I get rid of fish ich?For my tropical aquarium with livebearers, i got ick a couple times. I did the same thing as you. Then I found API Super Ick Cure. Do a water change, remove carbon filtering, add SIC according to dosing directions, dose again the next day(no water change!), Day 3 do a water change. I also raised my temp to 82 Degrees F over several hours. This speeds up the ick's life cycle then making it susceptible to medication. With meds and increased temps it's best to increase aeration. Best of luck! This is worked twice for me and I'd us it again.Tried quick cure Aquarium salt, 20% water change seems to be getting worse help how do I get rid of fish ich?Let me start by saying this, all goldfish can tollerate warm tempratures if they are not overstocked and have proper airation. Fancy goldfish thrive at 75-78 degrees. I am tired of seeing bad advice on this matter. Cold water fish does not mean warm water is bad. Many show breeder friends of mine keep goldies with heaters. Why do you think people in new mexico successfully keep fish ponds??

Quick cure is a cheap and lousy med. I would reccomend rid-ich or coppersafe. Don't bother with aquarium salt. Most strains are resistant to salt nowdays anyway.

Sometimes, by the time fish exhibit symptoms, they are too far gone. This is why quarantine and careful observation are vital. If you do lose your fish, let your tank run empty for a month. The ich die without a host.Tried quick cure Aquarium salt, 20% water change seems to be getting worse help how do I get rid of fish ich?What type of fish are they? It would be best to not take up all of the 25% of water at once. Also using stress coat is a BIG factor. Your fish might be stressed. Ich is a horrible disease which is most likely to be found in freshwater fish but it can be treated with copper and malachite green in the right dosage. %26quot;Aquari-Sol%26quot; contains copper as an ingredient (Aquari-Sol is a water treatment). But please do not use copper ingrediants if you have any invertibrates because they can be killed. And also make sure the biological filtration in your aquarium is not destroyed when using anti-biotic, this can damage the treatment of your fish.

Good luck :)