Hello there I'm not sure when I need to switch cartridges in my 10 gallon. I have some neons, couple guppies, and some pristilla tetras, my water is in great shape, no problems. I just want to know when I can tell when it is time to change it. Also, what exactly is the cartridge I change. When I look inside I see 2 things, this black thin spongy thing and then behind that is a white cushiony thingHow do I know when I need to change the filter cartridge in my fish tank?Just take out the sponge and white woolly stuff and rinse them out in old tank water when you do a water change.
They only need to be replaced when they fall apart.
Changing them all the time means you are throwing out most of your good cycle bacteria. Dont worry if they start looking a bit dirty, they work better like that.
IanHow do I know when I need to change the filter cartridge in my fish tank?When there is junk stuck to the part where water flows inHow do I know when I need to change the filter cartridge in my fish tank?you just change it when it looks worn out (falling apart) and it is the same for both.
Another thing, im not sure if u know but you clean it out when you give your tank a water change.