Friday, September 23, 2011

How often do i clean and change my filter in my?

fresh water aquarium. Also, i have heard good bacteria needs to build up on the filter but won't cleaning and changing the filter ruin all that good bacteria build up?How often do i clean and change my filter in my?A filter cleaning once a month is probably enough, unless the bioload is heavy.

Some filters have more than one cartridge, and I recommend getting at least two or even three cartridges/media such as a foam layer and/or biomedia if your filter only has one cartridge. Tetra/Whisper sells bio bags which allow you to use whatever media you prefer. Only clean one of the cartridges/media at a time, and use the aquarium water when you make a partial change to wash the cartridge/media. Rotate the cleanings of the media so each retains a good culture of beneficial bacteria.

Good luck,

DavidHow often do i clean and change my filter in my?I recommend changing 50% of the water at least once a week.

The filter should have at least part that you don't change, so you preserve a lot of the good bacteria. In a well-established tank, these bacteria are also on the surfaces of your aquarium glass, gravel, tank ornaments, plants, and so forth.

I only change filter cartridges when they get clogged enough that water doesn't flow through them well, and rinsing them with fresh water doesn't unclog them.