Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Changing filter in 20 gallon tank?

I have a 20 gallon tank with a few babyy yellow lab cichlids(all about a inch 1/2- 2 inches big), when i got this tank i had 1 whisper 10 gallon filter and 1 5-15 gallon aqua-tech filter, i was told instead of buying a 20 gallon filter i could use both of these and it would do the same thing. I also heard your suppose to change the filters about once a month and Its been a little over a month so now im wondering how to go about changing the cartridges without wipeing out all the good bacteria built up in the filter? I am going to be doing a water change monday and was planning on doing the filters then too.Changing filter in 20 gallon tank?Cleaning the filters should be done every month or so, your right there. With regards to using two filters, not always the best option unless you can manipulate the flow so it utilises the pair. If the flow is cutting across each other you'l be ok I think.

Leave the filters until Monday, drain out the water from the tank and just squeeze out the filters IN the drained water. NEVER clean filters in tap water, chlorine will kill the whole good bacteria colony within 30 seconds. When cleaning filters you are only aiming to remove any clogging. So by squeezing it in the old water you keep the bacteria but clear out the waste :)

Also, try to keep the filters horizontal! This way it reduces the back flow out the filter returning the sucked in waste back in to the tank.Changing filter in 20 gallon tank?I would also suggest alternating filters when replacing the filter. Like leave one of your filters alone and only rinse or replace the other one. Then next week switch.Changing filter in 20 gallon tank?put some of your tank water in a bucket then wash the filter sponges in that water

Never wash them using Fresh tap water